Australia popularly known as Oz or down under is a vast country. It is only slightly smaller in land mass compared to the USA. It has large fluctuations in climate patterns & the best time to visit Australia depends on where exactly one plans to go. In general you could say that the further north you travel i.e. closer to the equator, the hotter & wetter it gets during summer.
- The coastal tropics which include Darwin & Cairns experience two distinct seasons; the dry season & the wet season. The wet season begin in November with high levels of humidity peaking in January & February with daily downpours & heavy thunderstorms & this lasts through March. On the other hand the dry season lasts from April to November with warm, sunny days and cooler nights.
- The southern half of Australia includes Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide & Perth. It enjoys 4 distinct seasons & lies outside of the tropics. Winters are mild , wet & often grey especially in Tasmania & Victoria. Summers are hot & dry with frequent short-term heat waves in excess of 40°C.

- Australia’s interior (home to Uluru & Alice Springs is a dry semi-desert with high summer temperatures, very little rain & freezing winter nights. The autumn & spring weather is more mild & more suitable for travel.